У меня есть длинный список IP-адресов, которые мне нужно добавить в качестве разрешенных ретрансляторов во встроенную службу SMTP на Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS 7.5, но SMTP использует старый диспетчер IIS 6.0)
Я знаю, как добавить разрешенные реле вручную, но есть довольно длинный список, поэтому я хочу автоматизировать его.
Есть ли способ сделать это из командной строки, сценария или другого средства автоматизации?
Сервер SMTP IIS 6? Конфигурация для этого находится в XML-файле метабазы IIS по адресу systemroot\system32\inetserv\metabase.xml
Строка: RelayIpList
VBS для установки IP-адресов реле:
Option Explicit
Dim objSMTP,objRelayIpList,objCurrentList,objIP,objFSO,objTextFile,count,newIpList(),inputOption
Set objSMTP = GetObject("IIS://localhost/smtpsvc/1")
Set objRelayIpList = objSMTP.Get("RelayIpList")
'objRelayIpList is of type IIsIPSecuritySetting http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms525725.aspx
Wscript.Echo "============================================"
Wscript.Echo "================"
Wscript.Echo " "
Wscript.Echo "Computer(s) that may relay through this virtual server."
Wscript.Echo " "
' GrantByDefault returns 0 when "only the list below" is set (false) and -1 when all except the list below is set(true)
If objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = true Then
Wscript.Echo "All except the list below :"
objCurrentList = objRelayIpList.IPDeny
Wscript.Echo "Only the list below :"
objCurrentList = objRelayIpList.IPGrant
End If
count = 0
For Each objIP in objCurrentList
Wscript.Echo objIP
count = count + 1
If count = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "*NIL*"
End If
Wscript.Echo "============================================"
Wscript.Echo " "
Wscript.Echo "Replacing ReplayIpList with the IP address(es) from the ip.txt file."
Wscript.Echo " "
Do While Not((inputOption = "a") Or (inputOption = "d") Or (inputOption = "x") )
Wscript.Echo "ENTER "
Wscript.Echo "A to add to Allow List (Only the list below)"
Wscript.Echo "D to add to Deny List (All except the list below)"
Wscript.Echo "X Exit without making changes"
Wscript.Echo " "
inputOption = lcase(trim(Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine))
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists("ip.txt") Then
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("ip.txt",1)
count = 0
Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
Redim Preserve newIpList(count)
newIpList(count) = objTextFile.Readline
count = count + 1
'For each objIP in newIpList
' Wscript.Echo objIP
Wscript.Echo " "
Select Case inputOption
Case "a"
objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = false
objRelayIpList.IpGrant = newIpList
Wscript.Echo "SET " & count &" address(es) to Allow List"
Case "d"
objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = true
objRelayIpList.IpDeny = newIpList
Wscript.Echo "SET " & count &" address(es) to Deny List"
Case "x"
Wscript.Echo "Exiting without making changes"
Wscript.Echo "============================================"
End Select
objSMTP.Put "RelayIpList",objRelayIpList
Wscript.Echo " "
Wscript.Echo "============================================"
Wscript.Echo "Please create a file ip.txt that contains the list of IP address(es)"
Wscript.Echo "FORMAT : Each Line should be IP,MASK "
Wscript.Echo "EX :,"
End If
Script to Import a bunch of IP addresses to the ReplayIpList
USAGE : cscript ImportRelayList.vbs
PREREQUISITE : This script needs ip.txt in the same folder.
Store your IP addresses in ip.txt FORMAT: Each line should be IP,MASK
Из: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vijaysk/archive/2009/05/07/setting-smtp-relayiplist-from-a-script.aspx
Не проверено мной (BlueCompute)