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NSCA не принимает пассивные чеки

NSCA, кажется, регистрирует соединение, как кажется в системном журнале, но по неизвестной причине (по крайней мере, для меня) не записывает его в icinga.cmd или, по крайней мере, не читает его.

это системный журнал.

   Jun 27 08:24:58 Mcentral nsca[13720]: Connection from port 23204
Jun 27 08:24:58 Mcentral nsca[13720]: Handling the connection...
Jun 27 08:24:58 Mcentral nsca[13720]: End of connection...
Jun 27 08:24:59 Mcentral nsca[13721]: Connection from port 23460
Jun 27 08:24:59 Mcentral nsca[13721]: Handling the connection...
Jun 27 08:24:59 Mcentral nsca[13721]: End of connection...

вот мой nsca.cfg

# Sample NSCA Daemon Config File 
# Written by: Ethan Galstad (nagios@nagios.org)
# Last Modified: 04-03-2006

# The name of the file in which the NSCA daemon should write it's process ID
# number.  The file is only written if the NSCA daemon is started by the root
# user as a single- or multi-process daemon.


# Port number we should wait for connections on.
# This must be a non-priveledged port (i.e. > 1024).


# Address that NSCA has to bind to in case there are
# more as one interface and we do not want NSCA to bind
# (thus listen) on all interfaces.


# This determines the effective user that the NSCA daemon should run as.  
# You can either supply a username or a UID.
# NOTE: This option is ignored if NSCA is running under either inetd or xinetd


# This determines the effective group that the NSCA daemon should run as.  
# You can either supply a group name or a GID.
# NOTE: This option is ignored if NSCA is running under either inetd or xinetd


# If specified, determines a directory into which the nsca daemon
# will perform a chroot(2) operation before dropping its privileges.
# for the security conscious this can add a layer of protection in
# the event that the nagios daemon is compromised.  
# NOTE: if you specify this option, the command file will be opened
#       relative to this directory.


# This option determines whether or not debugging
# messages are logged to the syslog facility. 
# Values: 0 = debugging off, 1 = debugging on


# This is the location of the Nagios command file that the daemon
# should write all service check results that it receives.
# Note to debian users: nagios 1.x and nagios 2.x have
# different default locations for this file.  this is the
# default location for nagios 1.x:
# and this is the default location for nagios2:
# and this is the default location for nagios3:

# This is used to specify an alternate file the daemon should
# write service check results to in the event the command file
# does not exist.  It is important to note that the command file
# is implemented as a named pipe and only exists when Nagios is
# running.  You may want to modify the startup script for Nagios
# to dump the contents of this file into the command file after
# it starts Nagios.  Or you may simply choose to ignore any
# check results received while Nagios was not running...


# This option determines whether or not the nsca daemon will
# aggregate writes to the external command file for client
# connections that contain multiple check results.  If you
# are queueing service check results on remote hosts and
# sending them to the nsca daemon in bulk, you will probably
# want to enable bulk writes, as this will be a bit more
# efficient.
# Values: 0 = do not aggregate writes, 1 = aggregate writes


# This option determines whether or not the nsca daemon will
# will open the external command file for writing or appending.
# This option should almost *always* be set to 0!
# Values: 0 = open file for writing, 1 = open file for appending


# This option is used by the nsca daemon to determine when client
# data is too old to be valid.  Keeping this value as small as
# possible is recommended, as it helps prevent the possibility of
# "replay" attacks.  This value needs to be at least as long as
# the time it takes your clients to send their data to the server.
# Values are in seconds.  The max packet age cannot exceed 15
# minutes (900 seconds).  If this variable is set to zero (0), no
# packets will be rejected based on their age.


# This is the password/passphrase that should be used to descrypt the
# incoming packets.  Note that all clients must encrypt the packets
# they send using the same password!
# IMPORTANT: You don't want all the users on this system to be able
# to read the password you specify here, so make sure to set
# restrictive permissions on this config file!


# This option determines the method by which the nsca daemon will
# decrypt the packets it receives from the clients.  The decryption
# method you choose will be a balance between security and performance,
# as strong encryption methods consume more processor resources.
# You should evaluate your security needs when choosing a decryption
# method.
# Note: The decryption method you specify here must match the
#       encryption method the nsca clients use (as specified in
#       the send_nsca.cfg file)!!
# Values:
#   0 = None    (Do NOT use this option)
#       1 = Simple XOR  (No security, just obfuscation, but very fast)
#       2 = DES
#       3 = 3DES (Triple DES)
#   4 = CAST-128
#   5 = CAST-256
#   6 = xTEA
#   7 = 3WAY
#   8 = BLOWFISH
#   9 = TWOFISH
#   10 = LOKI97
#   11 = RC2
#   12 = ARCFOUR
#   14 = RIJNDAEL-128
#   15 = RIJNDAEL-192
#   16 = RIJNDAEL-256
#   19 = WAKE
#   20 = SERPENT
#   22 = ENIGMA (Unix crypt)
#   23 = GOST
#   24 = SAFER64
#   25 = SAFER128
#   26 = SAFER+


Я могу подключиться к нему по Telnet, но вот что я получаю:

�2�� 잿 ����1�q�� "�) ����I�Q�% * ��R���a�f�`��W $ �o +) 9QS�ci�- C�55-�� + ���iI ֎! E�K �Ln�k ؗ� c�Q��gA�fSzc��9K�1�> _ ^ X

просто тарабарщины.

Моя ОС - ubuntu 12.04, и я пытаюсь прочитать некоторую пассивную проверку из другого окна Linux, я использую icinga 1.9.1 и icinga-web.

Если NSCA не работает, попробуйте следующее:

  1. Проверьте свой nagios.log и посмотрите, показывает ли он, что NSCA отправил команды, но для неправильного имени хоста / имени службы

  2. Убедитесь, что NSCA имеет разрешение на запись в файл командной строки Nagios. var/rw/nagios.cmd

  3. Убедитесь, что nagios.cfg указывает, что внешние команды обрабатываются check_external_commands=1

  4. Убедитесь, что Nagios имеет разумный интервал обработки команд в nagios.cfg command_check_interval=-1

  5. Убедитесь, что NSCA настроен на прием команд от удаленного отправителя - если вы используете Xinetd для NSCA, то это будет в xinetd.d/nsca файл, и если вы запустите NSCA как демон, вы должны посмотреть в своем nsca.conf файл.

  6. Проверьте брандмауэр локального хоста, чтобы убедиться, что он не сбрасывает входящие соединения NSCA.