Я использую такой простой скрипт резервного копирования с помощью Disk2VHD. Я хотел бы немного изменить его, чтобы он проверил использование диска C и сравнил его с диском F, поэтому старые изображения будут удалены только в том случае, если на диске F недостаточно свободного места на диске.
В настоящее время он удаляет старые изображения, когда уже создано более четырех.
REM A simple backup system using disk2vhd
REM version 1.3, by J.E.B., 2011-02-22
REM requires 'disk2vhd.exe' to be in the path
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM "DRIVES" can be one drive identifier with colon, multiple separated by spaces,
REM or asterisk for all.
REM "DEST" can be a drive letter or a UNC.
REM Keep most recent 4 VHD files in DEST, delete the rest
for /f "skip=4 tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir/b/o-d %DEST%\*.VHD') do (
del %DEST%\%%a
REM Backup to VHD
cd \
DISK2VHD %DRIVES% %DEST%\%COMPUTERNAME%--%date:~-10,3%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%.VHD
Вот он - рабочий сценарий!
# Null all the values
$Cdisk = $null
$Fdisk = $null
$CdiskCapacity = $null
$CdiskFree = $null
$CdiskUSed = $null
#This function is called to determine the used space on the C: drive
function UsedDiskSpace() {
$Cdisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" | Select-Object Size,FreeSpace
$CdiskCapacity = $Cdisk.size/1073741824
$CdiskFree = $Cdisk.freespace/1073741824
$CdiskUSed = $CdiskCapacity-$CDiskFree
return $cdiskUsed
#This function is called repeatedly until the space on the F: drive is greater than the used space on the C: drive
function FreeDiskSpace() {
$Fdisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='F:'" | Select-Object Size,FreeSpace
$Fdisk = $Fdisk.freespace/1073741824
return $Fdisk
#This function will simply delete the oldest file in the root of the F: drive
Function DelVHD {
Get-ChildItem F:\ | Sort CreationTime | Select -First 1 | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
#Create the VHD - pass $true to run the Disk2VHD program hidden; $False for visible. First run should be false to allow agreement of EULA.!
Function CreateVHD($Hidden) {
$filename = (get-date -uformat %d%b%y) + "_" + $Env:COMPUTERNAME + ".vhd"
$filename = "F:\"+$Filename
If ($Hidden -eq $True){
start-process -WindowStyle Hidden c:\disk2vhd.exe -argumentlist 'c:', $filename # The .\ assumes disk2vhd is in the same folder as this script;
ElseIf ($Hidden -eq $False){c:\disk2vhd.exe c: $filename # The .\ assumes disk2vhd is in the same folder as this script;
#This loop kicks everything off - it gets the free disk space, deletes files one at a time on F: as required and then creates the VHD when there is sufficient disk space freed up.
Do {
$c = useddiskspace
$f = freediskspace
if ($f -lt $c) {
write-host "Space used on C: = "$c
write-host "Free space on F: = "$f
write-host "Not enough free space on F: Drive. Deleting oldest image"
until ($f -gt $c)
write-host "Enough free space on F:\ found...creating latest VHD"
CreateVHD $true #NOTE - Run with $False so the Disk2VHD window is visible at least the first time in order to accept the EULA